Friday, April 19, 2013

420 Again, TGIF, Hot Weekend, Other Crap

Tomorrow is 420 and I'll start with that today, much like I did the day before and so on. Like Charlie Watts said in 64' "I don't know what all the fuss is about? " I feel the same way about Justin Bieber.
I think we should celebrate everyday.

This weekend coming up I actually don't have any work other than what I put on myself, plus the usual house work that's piled up over the week. I am a pet sitter and I take care of other people's animals besides the 5 critters Geri and I have. Pet sitting is the best job I've ever had. It might not be my dream job, but it's pretty damn cool to get paid to watch other people's animals, and go for walk in the hills.

People go away on the weekend and that's where I  come in. I have one client who works Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, so I help her out with her dog on Saturdays. It's like the restaurant business, no days off, but the customers don't talk back so much.  If I had a restaurant I would take every Sunday and Mon. off, maybe Thursday too. I don't think I'd every want to retire, just take more vacations. I am lucky to have time off during the day every day.

I'm thanking  the gods it's Friday because Geri gets two days off. Geri works like crazy, too damn hard.

I started filming a pulled pork video today, and tomorrow Geri and I will rap it up.  It's much easier when two people are doing it. Geri's the lead photographer.

It's amazing outside. I'm wearing a tank top and sun glasses today. I just finished pan frying some asparagus for dinner, along with leftover Bussel sprout, red snapper and brown rice. I'm fasting today, and it's going very well.

I'm always surprised at just how little food we actually need to sustain ourselves. My 4 readers have seen my pulled pork recipes before so there's nothing new to report. I'm looking forward to a beautiful California weekend. There will not be any blogging and no more fasting till Mon. Fasting today I didn't need the agave drink and I'm glad. A 1/2 cup of has to pack a few calories.

I'm feeling better about our dog Che today. The whole time I was grieving I had this insidious Led Zepplin song in my head. I'm very glad it's gone. I felt like a rat on a wheel in a cage.

We're thinking about checking out the Tunnel down in Montara. I lived in El Granada and Devil's slide was brutal during the winters of 85' and 86'. Maybe get a bowl of chowder, some fries and a nice IPA at Barbara's fish trap. I must remember to take the camera.

That's it.


Make Food/Not War

What I ate today;

No Breakfast, no Lunch...fasting

Dinner; Brussel sprouts, asparagus, spinach, brown rice,  red snapper w/lime and butter...2 beers,
             6 slim ginger snaps

Exercise; 5 miles walking

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