Friday, February 28, 2014

Oscar Picks

Ah, the glitter, the glamour, Joan Rivers and the Fashion Police. It will all be there Sunday evening at the Academy of  Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Awards aka, the Academy Awards, the Oscars, in Los Angeles, California.

In some cases I picked an alternate selection, and I didn't make an predictions for animation, best music score,  foreign film, short film category, or documentary.

That's it for this week. Write back you Monday.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Oscar Picks;

- Best Picture - Twelves Years A Slave - American Hustle

- Actress in a supporting role -  Lupita Nyong'o - Jennifer Lawerence

- Actor in a leading role - Matthew McConaughery - Chiwetel Ejiofor

- Actor in a supporting role - Jared Leto  "Dallas Buyers Club"- Barkad Abdi "Captain Phillips"

- Actress in a leading role - Amy Adams - Cate Blanchett

- Cinematography - Gravity

- Directing - 12 Years A Slave- Steve McQueen - Martin Scorsese

- Costume design  - The Great Gatsby

- Film Editing - Gravity

- Makeup and Hairstyling -Dallas Buyers Club

- Music - The Book Thief - John WIlliams

- Best Picture - American Hustle - 12 Years A Slave

- Writing- (Adapted Screenplay) 12 Years A Slave, John Ridley
                The Wolf Of Wall Street, Terence Winter

- Writing - (Original Screenplay) American Hustle Eric Warren &
                 David O. Russell, Dallas Byers Club Craig BOrten and
                 Melisa Wallack

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tuna Fish + The Academy Awards

My sister-in-law, Victoria,  is a great baker, an award winning baker, and a damn good cook to boot. Two of the skills that she can add to a long list of things she is proficient at. She makes her tuna fish with grated carrot, and finely chopped kale. I add; diced onion,  celery, mayo, mustard, and black pepper. The carrot adds sweetness to the mixture and the celery, kale, and onion give it crunch and texture.

My wife would eat tuna fish 5 days a week, with avocado and tomato on top, if she had her way. Howard Stern is reportedly a serious tuna fish freak.

The Oscars are coming up this Sunday. I love the movies. I despise the cult of celebrity that everyone seems to crave these days. I can understand wanting to be an actor, but why would anyone want to be followed by cameramen everywhere they go?  Geri and I have watched almost every movie that is in contention for an Oscar this year with the exception of the Judi Dench movie, and the Sandra Bullock movie. So,  I'm at a small disadvantage.

Friday I'll give my picks for best actor, supporting actors, etc. and my reason for those picks. Monday we'll see how my picks stacked up to the academy's choices.

Because we don't have a television anymore we have booked seats at the Parkway Theatre in Oakland which I slammed a year ago in a review about their food. Maybe it's improved in the last year. I will review of the Parkway food as well.

That's it today.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday 1-25-14 No Blog Today

No blog today. I have nothing to say.

That's it.


Make Food/Not War

Monday, February 24, 2014

Weekend Update + Meet In The Middle...Lebanon Kansas

I did a lot of cycling this weekend, both Saturday and Sunday, which conveniently transitions me to the next point of this blog.

Just before Christmas I approached the town of Lebanon Kansas about sponsoring a national gathering for cyclists each summer. Little did I know they would like the idea. Now I'm working with them to try and put it together for the first weekend in August, 2015.

The name of the event is called, "Meet in the Middle." Lebanon Kansas is in the dead center of the USA, population 225 people.
The idea is for people who are cycling across the US to meet in Lebanon where we'd have one big wing ding for 3 days.

Looks like I'll be going to Lebanon soon. I love small towns.  I love wheat fields,  and the wide open road.

That's it for today.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Advice + Chocolate Chip Cookies + Have a Great Weekend + Vladimir Putin Is Gay

Frida and I went for a doggie walk this afternoon with my friend Alison Blumberg, and her dog, Connor. She is a health-supportive chef/holistic health coach.  Her knowledge of food, her background in the culinary world, and most of all her realistic approach to eating, and knowledge of the body is nothing short of brilliant. I did mention her cooking, which I'll repeat, is dynamite.

Her website is very informative, and explains her simple no gimmicks philosophy, and approach to living a healthy life though making smart choices. Check her out if your in the Bay area, or anywhere for that matter.

Alison mentioned she is looking for clients who are serious about getting over the hump, which is what I call the wall. Will power my friends. Seriously, she rocks.

Alison Blumberg, at  http/, 510 903-1005,

Geri made chocolate chip cookies for her book club, of which I think I ate 7 or 8. Weak as water I am. How serious am I about getting over the hump/the wall?

I've always said that people who are the most anti-gay are actually gay themselves. I think Vladimir Putin is at the top of the list. Come out Putti boy, and show your true colors, you old queen.

No blog tomorrow.

That's it today.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday 2-18-14

Our little dog Westy went to the vets this morning for minor surgery. He had a viral growth on his inner left ear. I felt so bad leaving him off there.  He knows Dr. Braun is a great guy, but he shakes every time I bring him there. Because he had surgery he couldn't eat anything this morning and the poor little guy was starving.

I truly hated this dog when Geri first rescued him from the arms of a junkie woman. She was trying to sell him at the grocery store down the street. Now I love him, and I can't live without him. That's how it goes sometimes with love. How could you not love that face.  He's Mr. Personality.

Also, an old family friend, Josh Eppel,  died in a motorcycle accident this last  Friday. Josh owned Drew's Meat on Church Street. Our deepest sympathy go out to his son, our old friend Val, and all those saddened by his passing.

Another friend, Lon,  in Santa Rosa, passed away of natural causes.

RIP everyone.

It appears we've hit a little rough patch lately. Let's hope it better.

That's it.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Monday, February 17, 2014

Weekend Update + People Pass + Presidnets

We had a lovely St. Valentine's dinner at our good friend Erwin's who made a lasagna that was out of sight. Everything was first rate, as usual.

Geri and I went to my dear friend Mike Fabiansen's funeral this Saturday. There were a lot of old friends to see, and a lot of, Fabe,  stories to recount. Mike was a man who didn't live long, but he packed a lot of life into his 62 years.

We were roommates back in 85/86. He had a nice house we called., The Emerald Palace, in the hills of El Granada. Man did we party in that place. The reception was held at the restaurant Mesa Luna in Princeton Harbor,  where he lived. The food was excellent with an open bar just the way Mike would have wanted it. His sister Joanne did him justice.

We had another old friend, Josh Epple,  pass away unexpectedly this Friday. He was killed in a motorcycle accident. He was the owner of the Drew's meat market on Church Street in San Francisco. I know he will be sadly missed as well.

In the immortal words of the late/great Cab Calloway, "Life goes on with me." Ain't it the truth.

The presidents I like the best are the dead one. I need more of those.

That's it.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Friday, February 14, 2014

Love Day + Michael Fabiansen RIP

Yes, it's here again, Valentine's Day. They say, whoever they are, that love enters through the nose. I think it enters through the mouth, and then goes  directly to the heart.

I'm still in love with my wife. Yes, we have days when we both want to go our separate ways, but somehow we work it out. In the end there is love.

She said it was the hair on my arms that attracted her to me. She took a chance on me because I had a dog,  Lonesome.  He was a handsome boy. Geri figured if i had a dog I couldn't be all that bad.

I wrote a song about how I met Geraldine recently. We were at a coffee house in Glen Park, San Francisco, called "A Nice Little Place To Eat." It's located on the east side of the four corners of Diamond and Chennery Streets. I also wrote a short story about it recently as well. So, our relationship with food goes all the way back to when we first met.

The first line of the song goes;

I looked up from my coffee
And I say you sitting there
That's when I said to myself
Well, what have we got here

I was hit by what us Italians call il fulmine', the thunderbolt,  the day I first laid eyes on her. I went home and told my roommate Buzz, "I saw the girl I'm going to marry today."

For better or for worse
In sickness and in health
For richer or poorer
Till death do us part

Tonight is dinner with friends in the city with my instructor from culinary school and friend Erwin. There will be plenty of love to go around tonight, and wonderful food.

Have a great weekend. Call, email, or text someone you love, and tell them you care about them, why there's still time.

That's it.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Love & Food

P.S. Michael Fabiansen were loved by many of which I am one.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday 2-13-14

Today is my best friend  Joe's daughter's birthday, the beautiful and talented Sarah Chase. Sarah reads this stupid blog so Happy Birthday Sarah, for the second time today. Geraldine and I love you. Oh, to be 27 again, and know what I know now.  My two pieces of advice are, "Run away from convention & find something to write about."

Joe would be very proud of you and your brother.

It was a spectacular sunset of orange and scarlet with a full moon for a backdrop. A beautiful day indeed.

That's it.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Steak + Buffalo and Helicopters

I marinated some  London Broil steak that I cut into 1/2 strips with fresh ginger, teriyaki sauce, shot of Worcestershire sauce, fresh garlic, crushed  black pepper, 1/2 shot white wine, and Chinese 5 spices. I'm going to let that sit for a couple of days. Thursday night I'm going to saute the stake in a hot skillet with peanut oil, and serve this with some quinoa, chopped green onions, and grilled asparagus which are in season early. Love asparagus.

I've been eating ground Buffalo the last two days. My market decided to stock it again, and I love it. It's $12.00 a pound. It is extravagant, but it is the holy temple that I call my body.  It is so clean you can totally taste the difference and my body likes it. It's totally clean.

I got a nice cycle ride in. Overcast skies, with some sun, and helicopters flying around looking for car-jackers. Another pleasant day in Oakland actually.

That's it for today.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War


Monday, February 10, 2014

Fasting, No Fasting

I never did begin the fast this weekend. I'm going to take another run at it this coming weekend. Geri and I have a 35 mile bike ride scheduled Sunday, so we'll see how well that pans out. Food is essential when you're cycling.

Speaking of cycling I haven't done any since the rain began, and I'm starting to feel fat. So, instead of spending more time on this stupid insipid blog I think I'll hit the stationary trainer and say ta-ta for now.

That's it for today.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Friday, February 7, 2014

Fasting Time Again

I need to clean myself out after the holidays and vacation.  I'm going to go on a juice fast starting Sunday till Thursday morning, and begin anew.

I have nothing else to write about. The rain falls, and it does feel like winter again.

That's it for today.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Late Winter + Exerecise

A late winter is better than no winter. It piddled all day long today. When the weather is like this I wait for breaks in the storm. Then I throw the dogs in the truck and run for the trail to get them their walks. Miserable dog, miserable life.

The prediction is for rain, in some form or another, for the rest of the week, including this coming Sunday, which transitions me nicely into the next paragraph.

I set up the bike exerciser in my studio today, and I'm going for a fantasy ride tonight after dinner, which is spaghetti #12 with red sauce, Italian chicken sausage, and broccoli.  If I don't keep up my exercise level I'll just get fat again.

That's it today.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I realize that blogging, or writing anything for that matter, is a very difficult in deed. First of all, your stuck at a desk, or in a coffee house,  sitting down. The only physical activity is the movement of your hands on the keyboard, the electronic firings of your brain, and rapid movement of the eyes. It's harder on the body than I ever though possible.

Writing is difficult, but editing what you have written is really the challenge in the creative process. Each day I try to turn out something of a blog. Naturally, some blogs are better than others. Many are just plain boring, I can see you shaking your heads yes,  but I crank them out because it's all the process of discipline writing.

When I go back the next day after producing a blog and re-read it I'm often floored and embarrassed by the glaring errors that I've put out to the world.

This is a confession blog. I know I make a lot of mistakes. Please try to read past those mistakes to the content of what I'm trying to convey. Thank you for your understanding and patience. I don't get paid to do this, and I don't have an editor. When I ask my wife to read and edit something I've written there's still numerous inaccuracies. The last thing she wants to do after working in a hospital all day is be an editor.

I try and make blogs short, concise and to the point. Some blogs, such as the one I wrote yesterday are long, and full of mistakes. Having dyslexia only compounds the problems of my writing.

To all you editors out there I have a deep respect for your skill. The editors are the real power behind the creative process.

That's it.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Monday, February 3, 2014

Back from Maui + Seahawks + Strange Things + Philip Seymour Hoffman

We are back from Maui, and it is cold in the Bay Area. I realize that I slept much deeper in Hawaii. It must be from the lack of cat dander, or the lack of cats all together.

The Seahawks routed the Denver Bronco's in the Superbowl yesterday. I was calling it the Super Bong since both states have recently legalized marijuana. I would have bet on the Broncos myself if I was a betting man. I was rooting for the Seahawks mostly because I love the city of Seattle. I'm just a northwest/northeast kind of guy.

We didn't watch the dame because we were in flight path over the Pacific ocean. We got one update from the captain in the cockpit at halftime. Seattle gave Denver a hell of a shellacking if I do say so. I think maybe Denver was over confidant, smoked too much hash oil before the game, and never did get their act together. Tripping.

Just before I started this blog today I was doing some research on the computer, and I heard these loud thuds in the front of the house. The dogs starting barking in unison at whatever had occurred.  Of course, I got up, and went out to see what all the commotion was  about. When I opened the door I found two birds lying on the front porch. One was dead, it's neck broken, and the other was in the throes of death. I picked it up gently, and held it until it's tiny life passed in my hands.

I was pacing nervously trying to figure out what the hell had happened. There was blood all over the floor, and then I glanced at the window. The one facing westerly on the front porch to block the wind from the ocean. That's what they had flown into. A splatter of blood covered the window. Then I saw a third bird, still alive, between the aluminum decoration and the screen.

I quickly got the bird free of the door, and held it. This one's neck was strong, and it was struggling to free itself from this unwanted encounter. I outstretched my arm over the bow of the porch so it had unobstructed freedom to fly. I opened my hand, it flapped it's wings, but could not take flight. I lightly closed my hand around it, and stroked it's crown. There was blood on my left hand, and more on the porch screen door. Still, I had hope for this one.

The bird was stunned, and in shock, but it was upright. It's wings were not broken, and it was alive. I held it for five minutes, trying to give it strength from my body to live, saying, "Please, please." It didn't bleed anymore. I looked at it closely and said to the bird, "Your in natures hands now."

I placed it on one of the slats of the trellis that covers the walkway at the top of the front steps. It held it's ground, it's dark eyes surveying the world for more trouble. There was nothing else I could do. I went about  cleaning up after the other two birds, and wiping up the blood. I kept an eyed the survivor as I carried on with my tasks.

I went into the house to get some paper towels, water and a cloth to bury the two birds, and when I came back it was gone. I checked all around the grounds in front of the house, and I couldn't spy it anywhere. Did it live?

These birds appeared to be some member of finch breed. They were grey, black beaks with white lines, yellow feathers on the breasts and the tips of their tails, as well as the smaller feathers of the wings. Very beautiful.

Is there any meaning in these things that  appear to be happenstance? Are they omens, signs? No one knows, do they?

Before this all happened I had gone to visit my friend Michael in the hospital. He is very derpessed.  He said, "My other two roommates have died, I'm number 3." Then he said, "I want to die."

After I returned home from visiting Michael I had put up a sign that we had made in Hawaii. A gentle soul by the name of Tom designed and constructed it out of sandalwood. The letters of the words were sketched onto the hardwood, carved out, then sandblasted, painted ivory, and the whole sign was varnished 3 times. The message read, "Be Good Or Be Gone!"

Wherever you are, Philip Seymour Hoffman, I hope you are no longer in pain. The world has lost a very talented man. RIP.

That's it.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Aloha Maui

Aloha is much like Ciao in Italian. It means hello and goodbye. So, we say goodbye to Hawaii till next year, hopefully. One never knows what the future holds. We can hope.

Tonight we will eat fish.

That's it.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War