Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tuna Fish + The Academy Awards

My sister-in-law, Victoria,  is a great baker, an award winning baker, and a damn good cook to boot. Two of the skills that she can add to a long list of things she is proficient at. She makes her tuna fish with grated carrot, and finely chopped kale. I add; diced onion,  celery, mayo, mustard, and black pepper. The carrot adds sweetness to the mixture and the celery, kale, and onion give it crunch and texture.

My wife would eat tuna fish 5 days a week, with avocado and tomato on top, if she had her way. Howard Stern is reportedly a serious tuna fish freak.

The Oscars are coming up this Sunday. I love the movies. I despise the cult of celebrity that everyone seems to crave these days. I can understand wanting to be an actor, but why would anyone want to be followed by cameramen everywhere they go?  Geri and I have watched almost every movie that is in contention for an Oscar this year with the exception of the Judi Dench movie, and the Sandra Bullock movie. So,  I'm at a small disadvantage.

Friday I'll give my picks for best actor, supporting actors, etc. and my reason for those picks. Monday we'll see how my picks stacked up to the academy's choices.

Because we don't have a television anymore we have booked seats at the Parkway Theatre in Oakland which I slammed a year ago in a review about their food. Maybe it's improved in the last year. I will review of the Parkway food as well.

That's it today.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

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