Monday, January 27, 2014

Trade Winds and Barbara (Not Phyllis Diller)

The trade winds in Maui blow east to west and north. The locals say that it is particularly rare for these winds to blow in the opposite direction. The storm they had last week blew west to east. If you look at the palm trees in the reproduction below you can see they are bowed in the line headed due west.

They also say it stirred up a load of crap at the bottom of the ocean, and there is now staph on the beaches. That didn't stop us from sitting on the beach today for a couple of lazy hours reading, actually reading a book, not a magazine. I finished a book yesterday, and I started another small one today. I also had the binoculars on today and I saw a ton of whales breaching out in the harbor. It was quite a matting show.

No, that's not Phyllis Diller in the photograph down under. On our way home last night from our evening stroll I said to Geri, "Get a shot of the bay." Just as she was taking the photo the woman shown here stepped into the frame.  Geri got a great shot of Barbara,  now a resident of Maui, formally of Australia.

In the words of Phyllis Diller, "My photographs don't do me justice, they look like me." I know how you feel honey.

That's it.

Life is what happens in between meals.


Make Food/Not War

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