Sunday, October 6, 2013

Crush the Tigers + Bike Crash + ER + No Stats Today + Happy to Be Here

We're right back where we left off last year in the AL West. The Oakland A's are facing the dirty Detroit Tigers. See you tomorrow Detroit. Just because were underpaid don't mean we ain't good, or bad.

This is how my blog started today, then we decided to go for a bike ride, and that's where the day went directly into the shit hole.  While Geri stopped short while I was tailgating her, I crashed, hit the pavement, burned, and then spent 4 hours at the ER with every kind of crazy person known to mankind. I got some great dialogue from that place. Just sit and listen and man the stories, the tragedy, you hear. Nothing is broken. My right elbow swelled up like a black and blue golf ball, and one of my ribs is bruised, a couple of minor scrapes, but I'll live. My bike survived without a nick.

The accident occurred just as we had completed our leisurely peddle through the canals of Alameda. We were at the shopping center parking lot where Safeway is, across from the golf course, right in front of a Synagogue when people were heading in, as Geri said, "to go to church",  "no sweetie, that's temple."  If I had asked "is there was a doctor in the temple?" at least 12 people would have raised their hands. But, people don't really help people these days because they're terrified of being sued. People were very nice, but I got right up, feeling like, you guessed it, a court jester, or in this case the Temple Goy Jester.

It's comical how when people make blunders they sense embarrassment. I know I do. Riding too close, and why? You in a hurry fool, and for what, to get yourself killed?

At the ER, they tried to drain the am biotic fluid from the golf ball, but it wasn't ready to leave the sanctuary of the golf ball. This only took four hours. And, if you have to be in an ER having your own private nurse, Geri,with you, isn't a bad thing, if you can pull it off.

 After the ER visit I came home, had a talk with Alice, and cooked pizza for 10 people. I must say I did quite well on my falling. Those early years of playing sports paid off once again. It could have been much, much worse. My head, legs, feet, hands, and most of my torso, except for that one rib, came away unscathed. I was only going 5 miles an hour, but I do have to be more careful. I take a lot of chances and I cowboy out there. I'm going to be sore, really sore, tomorrow.

Such is life. Sometimes you fall. I'm eternally thankful I'm doing OK.

In the wise words of my dear sister Helene, "Any accident you can walk away from is a good one. Ain't it the truth.

That's enough for one day.


Make Food/Not War

Exercise; 25 miles cycling

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