Thursday, October 24, 2013


There will be no blog this Friday or this weekend. Geri and I will be  attending a writers seminar.  Hopefully this rather expensive experience will give me some sorely needed skills to write more exciting new blogs, bla, bla, bla.

My life is basically the same as everyone else, more or less, it's boring. I get up early, do the chores, walks dogs, have breakfast, walk more dogs, see cats, ride my bike, have lunch, go for more walks, have dinner, walk again, come back, do this stupid blog and write other crap, watch some TV, try to sleep, get up again and do it all over. To extract something of interest out of that is, at least for me, a minor friggin miracle.

If anyone finds these small snippets of my dull life of any value or interest is another minor miracle which truly humbles me.

I never understood why Sidarthur, aka the Buddha, went through all those years of self imposed
suffering to become enlightened when all he had to was just lead a regular life. Life for me, in my definition, is struggle. I don't care who you are, how famous, rich, poor, talented, simple minded, healthy, or disable you may be, you are going to have to struggle to make it through this world. What the Buddha did figure out was how to completely block out the material world that surrounds us from his brain, and just be.

I was raised to believe that life was hard, and that success was what you defined it to me, not  what anyone else shoves down our throats. That the road best traveled was your path alone.

I think pop culture sucks. I see too many people doing what other people tell them they should
do, especially by the government, who has done a wonderful job of brainwashing people into believing that it will provide, protect and defend us, and what's worse is they believe it.

In Oakland, neighborhoods have taken to hiring their own security companies to patrol the streets because the police don't, won't, or can't do it, even marginally. Millions of people are in prison for non-violent crimes, mostly drug possession. We have a puppet government totally unresponsive to the needs of the citizenry, beholding to multi-national corporations and special interest groups, all in the name of the glorious "global"  economy. The mass party line to the people of America is, "Don't worry about anything, we'll take care of everything." The same way they did for the Indians and New Orleans. When will the wealthy pay their share?

I refuse to let anyone tell me what to believe or think. I don't want to fit in with the crowd. I'm in with the out crowd. I don't want to work 80 hours a week for Google or Microsoft, and I have no idea of how I got to this spot, or should I say on this downturn, in today's blog.

I guess I just look around me and I'm as much saddened as I am angry at the state of the world. We have to tools to make this a better planet, but it's not happening. If this is intelligent design then  stupidity design must be really fucked up?  Why has it always been so fucked up?  Are we incapable of all getting along with each?

Talk at you Monday.  It will be nice to depart from the real world for a few precious days with my beautiful bride.

Life is what happens in between meals.

That's it.


Make Food/Not War

Food Consumption;

Breakfast; 2 eggs over easy, 1 piece brown bread, potato pancake, black tea w/honey

Lunch; 1.5 handfuls of cashews, 3 ounce smoke salmon

Dinner; pizza from Lanesplitter...why not?

Exercise; 5 miles walking/hiking

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