Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lime Time

When we redid the back yard last summer one of the things I did was take out a lime tree I had planted 7 or 8 years prior that wasn't producing any fruit. It would flower and bloom every year, but it never did produce any fruit. Not once in all those year did I see a bee or a humingbird go near it. I asked several friend who know much more about cultivation than myself and no one had a good answer for me. Our lemon tree has always done very well, why not the lime?

Geri bitched and moaned about taking it out, saying things like, "You're killing a living organism.", but I was resolute in my decision to pull that sucker out of the ground, and plant a new lime tree that would actually give us some fruit. We live in the city, and square footage is at a premium here. That tree was taking up real estate. I planted this one in the herb garden were I thought it would be get the  best exposure to light, and by god it produced some limes this year, two. It's not what you would call a bumper crop, but it's just the first year.

Today I picked my two limes, and I am very happy to say we now have a lime tree that actually produces fruit/food.

It's the little things in life that are important.


Make Food/Not War
small but mighty

2 limes this season...that's all

Food Consumption 2-7-13

Breakfast: Cereal w/soy, blueberries & banana, green tea

Lunch: Small bowl of leftover pasta, yogurt

Snacks: Orange juice

Dinner: Roasted chicken, steamed Napa cabbage w/caraway, s & p then sauteed in butter, salad with my vinaigrette, cucumber, black olives, shredded carrot, red bell pepper, beats....mashed potatoes, fresh baked bread....great dinner!

Exercise: 5.5 miles walking

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