Monday, September 9, 2013

60/70, Party

I have to say it was one hell of a party. I actually don't like being the center of attention, and I hung out most of the day with Hans and Andres. They all had a restaurant together in New Hampshire 45 years ago. For chef Hans go to; for more info on him.

Chef Hanns finished off the gumbo, all 12 gallons of it. Andres cooked the sausages, and I grilled the chicken I marinated in lemon, garlic and herbs. When I wasn't grilling I was taking orders from Erwin, do this, do that, sous chef stuff. The gumbo was electric. Chef Hans knocked it out of the park.

As is usual at parties that one throws for themselves you don't get much chance to mingle because you're so busy working, and that was the case Saturday. I tried to do some video work, and I had an idea for interviewing people, but you can only wear so many hats at one time. 

There was no cutting the cake or birthday songs and that was just fine with me. People came, we fed them. Our friend Julio Reyes,, did two set of classical guitar. I actually got to sit and listen to him. I could hear him while I was grilling outside also, and I was thinking to myself, my god I'm listening to one of the worlds best classic guitar players here, playing for me and my friends.  My friend Mike Shaffer and I got to do a set later in the evening ourselves. 

I had my family and friends around me all day and I was blessed beyond belief.  My dear friend Jack sent me a bottle of champagne from NY, and I'm going to save it till I see him again. My friend Buzz gave me a beautiful pair of boots. 

To top it all off the weather was phenomenal, 80 degrees in Bodega Bay. All the people from Europe kept saying that every time they come to Bodega Bay they freeze their asses off. I had a pretty good buzz on and I smoked a couple of cigarettes. I hardly ate anything at the party. I drank all my calories. 

Sunday Geri and I went back to Bodega Bay helped clean up, and we all had mimosas and leftovers. Then we sang happy birthday to ourselves, just the 7 of us. We split up the food and made it home, exhausted. I also brought home a nice little sunburn on my back.

Now the hard work begins. I got 30 pounds to get off my ass before the 1st of January, and it's not going to be easy. I'm stuck at that 210 pound mark and I have to figure out "how to break on through to the other side" to quote Jim Morrison. So, to my 6 faithful readers, some who were at the party Saturday, thanks again for turning on and please stay tuned in.

Diane and Ron thanks for honey. I had some this morning, magical Marin bees.

Also, shout out to Diane and Arthur. Thanks so much for reading.

Thanks to Guy, my old friend from high school. When we got home Sunday we had a beautiful chocolate cake, an Iris Dement cd, and some edibles waiting for us.

Alice was at the party also and she made several people very happy.

 No stats today, I'm still in recovery mode.

That's it.


Make Food/Not War
The Chefs

Hans, Marcel, Adres, Erwin, Franz, Margret


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