Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lock, Load, and Duck For Cover, July 4th 2013

The 4th of July is here, and we celebrate the birth of our great capitalist nation once again. I remind people that we are a republic, not a democracy. In the words of John Fogerty, "I see a bad moon arising."

I hope everyone has a safe 4th of July. I see things differently than many people. It's hard not to be political and cynical in America, but it's not healthy for our mental stability. This country is headed for another economic downturn, and as far as I can tell most people have learned nothing from the last one. Spending is at an all time high and so is poverty.

Housing prices, including rents, have skyrocketed. Wall Street and the banks are back to their same old tricks, business as usual. Standard and Poor's, & Moody continue to give crap stocks triple A ratings, and suckers line up to buy them. People are living way beyond their means.  All of this sanctioned by our politicians, up to and including our own personal bought and paid for man about town, Barack Obama.  Basic physics friends, what goes up, will come down.

My friend Michael tried to open a bank account and they told him it was free checking if you kept a balance of $1,500.00 in your account. Where is a poor person going to get $1,500.00? If you don't have fifteen hundred dollars the checking account costs you 10 dollars a month. So, he's penalized 10 dollars, that he can ill afford, for being poor. In the words of Richard Milhouse Nixon, who took the dollar off the gold standard, like Adolf did back in 1934, "fuck the poor." And they are doing a great job of that.

Overproduction is at an all time high, while our legislators debate if the minimum wage should be raised to $10.00 an hour. Someone tell me who can live on $60.00 a day after taxes? Rents in SF are 2 G a month for a space the size of a large walk-in closet.

Here in Oakland, as all over the country, the poor spend their money on fireworks. I never understood why anyone would shell out money they can't afford on things that go boom. You can hear gun fire everyday in Oakland now. This has been building stead for the last two weeks. It's gets louder and closer each day. The M80s, cherry bombs, and ash cans are peppered w/double action and semi automatic weapon fire.

The police are helpless throughout all of this. Tonight the cops will be parked under the freeway overpasses because there are so many bullets flying around. It's not safe on the streets here during 4th of July.

Dogs, including the ones housed here, will be shivering all night. We will hold them, and get very little sleep.

When the sun goes down the battle will start on cue. The bombs bursting in air.

God Bless America. Can anyone tell me what it is that we are celebrating? It must be the concept of democracy and freedom, or maybe it's just a day off from work.

Flame on.

That's it.


Make Food/Not War

What I ate today;

Breakfast; 2 poached eggs on 1 piece of 9 grain wheat bread, black coffee 1 sugar

Lunch; apple, cappuccino

Dinner; seafood bisque

Exercise; 4 miles walking

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