Friday, July 5, 2013

The Day After The War

Despite the noise I slept like a baby. It was like Damascus out there last night. On top of the bombs and the gun fire the young folk living next door decided to throw a party in honor of the 4th of July.
They love drinking games, and of course when people get drunk it can and it did get loud.

There are still bombs going off today and most probably for the rest of the weekend, but the worst is over, including the heat wave.

The BBQ we attended was quite tame by comparison. The food was excellent,  and I ate way too much. So, today is my fasting day. In addition to the 8 or 10 desserts that were there Geri made a wonderful chocolate cake called a Texas chocolate cake. It was obviously a Texan who came up with that name, but what makes it a Texas chocolate cake is beyond me.

I'm glad the holiday is over.

That's it.


Make Food/Not War

What I ate today;

Breakfast; black tea 1 sugar

Lunch; nothing

Dinner; turkey sandwich w/dijon mustard, bowl of seafood bisque, water mellon

Exercise; 5 miles walking

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