Monday, July 1, 2013

Weigh Day + The Bike + Fasting + BART + Hot

I weighed myself today and I'm 210 pounds on the money. That's good news, but also a little disappointing. I was 210 a month ago. Although I haven't gained any weight I'm also no closer to my goal than I was 30 days ago. I was hoping to have a five pound edge over my bulge battle.

I have two months before the next weigh in and I need to be 10 pounds lighter. Bottom line, more work, less food. If I look back at the past 8 months I've lost 5 pounds a month consistently, but the fact that I didn't loose any weight in the last month has me a little concerned. I think I'm going to weight myself at the end of the this month and see if I've lost that 5 pounds I need to loose.

Geri bought me and early birthday present, a shiny new bike. I feel like Pee Wee Herman. You won't catch me riding it till the fog comes back and cools the east bay down. It will be in the 90's again today, tomorrow, and who knows for how long. Till then the bike will remain parked in the back yard.

Another fast day. I may decide to fast on Friday this week instead of the usual Thursday because of the holiday.

BART,  Bay Area Rapid Transit is on strike. I'm glad I don't have a regular job in the Big City.

That's it.


Make Food/Not War

Breakfast; black tea w/1 sugar, orange juice

Lunch; nothing

Snacks; cashews

Dinner; Turkey sandwiches, may, mustard, tomato, black pepper, some chocolate covered raisins, Brussel sprouts

Exercise; 6 miles walking


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