When I write this blog each day I usually have absolutely no idea ahead of time what I'm going to write about. I hope something will happen so I have something "interesting" to write about, but what I might find interesting someone else is going to think is stupid and they're probably right.
It's all fucking stupid.
I don't have a full time job in the food industry, so I don't have any titillating information about Wolfgang Puck or Alice Waters. My experience with food on a daily basis is rather boring. Most people's experiences in life are boring. I actually want it to be boring, or simple might be a better word.
People who have "exciting" lives have complicated lives. They have a staggering amount of drama to contend with, and I hate drama. Look at these people on these reality shows. Why would you subject yourself to something like that? It's nerve racking shooting an 8 minute cooking video. Why would somone follow these people on TV or in the tabloids? They never seem satisfied. We think they have glamorous exciting lives, but trust me on this one, these are some of the most miserable people on the planet.
Why did I write about this and how did I get to this place today? I haven't got a clue.
There is a new Old Hippie Chef video on youtube titled Crogue Monsieur, translated into our native language of english that means Crunch Mister, or Mister Crunch, or even simpler, toasted cheese sandwich.
It's 6:46 AM and it's time for me to walk the dogs. That's complicated enough for me.
That's it.
Make Food/Not War
What I ate today;
Breakfast; 2 poached eggs, 2 pieces of ham, 1 potato pancake, 1 piece of walnut bread w/butter
Lunch: 1 Italian chicken sausage and water mellon
Dinner; spinach ravioli w/homemade pesto, kale salad w/cucumber, radish, black olives, red bell pepper, olive oil, fresh lemon, s & p.
Exercise; 7 miles walking, 1 hour cycling
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