Friday, August 2, 2013

Breakfast + BART Strike + Weekend

The reason I eat eggs in the morning is they give me a lot of stamina. On top of that I don't get hungry till at least 2 or 3 PM in the afternoon. Between the eggs for protein and the potato pancakes for carbs I'm ready to peddle, walk or hike dogs in the Oakland hills, whatever.

This morning something didn't quite work with that breakfast scheme and I had the trots. I think it's time to change up my diet. I know we should all eat a wide variety of foods and I get into these ruts. More probiotics, fruit, maybe some grains. I love cereal but no more estrogen soy milk. I need testosterone milk.  So, starting tomorrow I'm going to do just that, switch it up. I've also been hitting the caffeine pretty hard, and it reeks havoc on my stomach. No mass. Here we go on my tangent for the week.

BART, Bay Area Rapid Transit is poised to strike again this coming Monday if the Union and BART management cannot come to an agreement by the end of today. The Union has been vilified in the press, but in reality BART has not been bargaining in good faith.

BART hired a man named Thomas Hock, who is a union buster or would very much like to be, to negotiate their contract with the leadership of the rank and file. Hock has been cited by the NLRB numerous times over the years for unfair labor practices. Hock's number one tactic for dealing with the union is to not be available during the negotiations. This time he took his "vacation" when he was supposed to be hammering out a deal with the union leadership. Other tactics Hock uses include; showing up three hours late for scheduled meetings, not returning phone calls, and letters, just to name a few. He's a real tactical genius this guy. He's a negotiator who's paid no to negotiate. It's a fucking tongue twister.

These tactic give the union no other choice than to strike, which creates anti-union sentiments among the public who rely on the transit system to shuffle them back and forth to work and play. It also creates massive traffic delays on the roadways, people get to work late, and the bosses hates it when the drone bees are late. Don't want to make the boss. Think you're indispensable? The public then blames the Union and the workers for their frustrations with inconvenience, when in reality it's all staged by Mr. Hock to make the Union look bad. Worker v.s. workers, perfection.

On top of that Hock has people like Willie Brown, a great friend of the working class, saying that the Union needs help with it's public relations. Here's a tip for you WIllie, "Go soak your fucking head."

I might add that only in Oakland, another place that could use a good PR campaign, held a  rally at Frank Ogawa Plaza in support of the Union, go Oakland. Gotta give my second rate city props.

Could you tell my my sympathies lie with the union? Am I being too one sided?  The union keeps us strong. It's not the working people that have gotten this country into the mess it's in. It's the banks, the corporations with their globalization, and politicians that do their bidding. Show me how someone who can live on $8.25 an hour, $66.00 a day, before taxes. What's keep half the world's population in poverty? If it wasn't for the unions we'd all be making shit wages working 14 hour a day, minimum 6 days a week, no medical care, no schools, and working for Big Daddy Warbucks. It wasn't that long ago that fourteen hours was a normal day for millions of people in the USA. Can't ever happen again?

Enough....find a way to get to your boring yuppie/hipster jobs, and support the people who are struggling to make a good living wage with good benefits. I don't want to hear any sniveling mother fuckers crying about how the Union is keeping them from their oh so most important careers. If you want to have a better life in America you gotta fight for it. Ain't nobody give us working folks nothing.

To this end.

I'm planning on doing a bunch of cycling this weekend, and just journal my usual bullshit. How come there's no cycling lanes on the Bay Bridge?

Remember, this is a food blog.I think this was record for using the word fuck, oh fuck.

That's it.


Make Food/Not War

What I ate today;

Breakfast; 2 poached eggs, 2 potato pancakes w/chives, feta cheese, s & p, olive oil, 1 piece brown toast, 2 cups black coffee w/sugar,

Lunch; salad w/ tomatoes, cucumber, spinach, olive oil, lemon, s & p, large handful of cashews, juice

Dinner;  out with company, Boca Nova

Exercise Today;  1.5 miles walking, 1 hour cycling

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