Friday, August 30, 2013

Fasting + War + Chewing + Ashamed + Hilary Clinton

Another fast day came and went. They all go by fast these days. I love slow. Slow food, slow going, low and slow, slow gin fizz, and the ever popular, take it slow.

My fast went great today. After Alice showed up any hunger pangs I had went away. Good ol' Alice. I usually take the day off when she shows up. I cleaned the stove today too, so something productive got accomplished.

I'm catering my own birthday party along with my old friend Erwin, who was one of my instructors in culinary school. Same birthday, 10 years apart. I'm glad he's 70 and I'm only 60, and I can't believe I'm saying only 60. I ordered 10 chicken, 12 pounds of andouille sausage, and 10 additional pounds of grilling sausage. My friend Erwin and I are making gumbo as the main course. More on this down the line.

I got some good exercise in today. It's hot in the hills and I worked up a good sweat with the dogs and my buddy Daren. We worked up a a nice lather about Obama's new war in Syria. I'd love to stay the fuck away from politics, but VI Lenin said we're all political creatures and he was right. Obama's starting to make old W look like a third grader.

Wouldn't it be nice if democracy actually worked, and we could put something like bombing another country up for the popular vote. We have the technology to do it right now. Instead of American Idol we can call it American War or American Bombing. A military strike on the Assad regime yes, no. One vote per citizen over the legal age to go into military service. If you're old enough to go to war you should be old enough to vote about it. If it's 16, so be it.

For Christ's sake they don't even have conclusive evidence that Assad regime actually did it, or did we pay someone to do it. Some sources are saying it was the rebel forces, so who the fuck did it?  Doesn't it remind you of the time, a whole 13 years ago, when we went to Iraq because of WMD's that never did exist. That's a Dick Cheney tactic. The UN can't agree on who killed these poor innocent people. No evidence of guilt in a court of law is grounds for acquittal. Or how about how we armed the mujaheddin in Afghanistan to beat the Russians way back in the 80's. Tom Hanks did a great movie, "Charlie Wilson's War" about that. That kinda backfired on us. We got short memories here in America. Dirty little secrets, dirty little lies, dirty little fingers in every body's pie. Bringing it back to the food.

Another war for what. Some our closest friends growing up in Connecticut were Syrian. Wonderful people. All the killing for oil. Control the energy, and you control the world.

Mother Russia can't loose on this one. All she's gotta do is sit back and do nothing, and then just wag her Miss Manner's finger at the US and say, " imperialists", and who can disagree with her? I got news for the world, Russia is still a superpower with a robust economy and thousands of nuclear warheads armed and pointed directly at western Europe.

On top of that our staunchest ally, Great Britain, tells us to go piss up a tree. You know these cock-suckers, the US and GB, are in bed together blowing each other. This could be Barack's Bay of Pigs/ Cuban missile crisis, but since he has the support of John McCain we should all feel better that's he's finally reaching over to the other side of the aisle. How lovely, a bipartisan bombing.

Obama's biting off more than he can chew if you ask me. See how I brought the whole story back to eating again? Crafty ha?

I'll bet our boy's smoking a pack a day now, and man, he sure is getting white on top. White on rice, brown rice.

I wish someone would tell me what we can do to stop this sick cycle. I hate to be a downer, but more bombing, eyes for eyes, teeth for teeth. I'm ashamed to be an American today. The door to Iran goes through Syria.

In the words of the great American songwriter Country Joe McDonald; "And it's 1, 2, 3 what are we fighting for, don't ask me I don't give a damn, next stop is Iran. And it's 5, 6, 7, open up the pearly gates, well, ain't no time to wonder why, whoopee we're all gonna die."

Daren and I made a bold prediction that Hilary Clinton, if she lives, will be the next president in 2016, and that Bill will die of a massive heart attack in her 3rd year as president, which will give her enough of the pity vote for a second term as Ms. President. No one would ask why he had a heart attack since he has a well documented heart condition. That's what he gets for all his philandering. Hell hath no furry like a woman's scorn.

Democrats/Republicans, can anyone tell the difference?

That's a lot to digest. Brought it back to gastronomy again. Clever eh?

That's it for sure.


Make Food/Not War

Food Consumption;

Breakfast; 1 cup coffee, cream/one sugar

No Lunch

Snack; Cliff bar

Dinner; I'm taking Geri out tonight, Italian.

Exercise; 6 miles hiking, 1/2 hr. cycling


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